

Meet Mrs. P

Hi there!

My name is Amy, and I am an entrepreneur & stay-at-home wife. I grew up in Middle Tennessee (honestly the blank-spot on the map), and now happily reside in North Idaho with my precious husband, Daniel, and our sweet Australian Shepherd, Aurora.

I enjoy serving others in wellness through essential oils, and currently lead a team 190-families-strong with Young Living. It’s a major passion of mine to be in community, in ministry, and accomplishing tasks - which is what Young Living has precisely provided for in my life.

I’m deeply passionate about beautiful things and making things beautiful. May we see beauty everywhere, in everything, even when it seems impossible. I believe this passion comes out of my understanding of the steadfast never-altering love of God, and my precious husband who has shown me countless insights into the goodness and love of God.

Though there have been many shadows and painful, soul-chilling chapters in my life, the golden sunlight of the love and faithfulness of God has outshined all the dark valleys I have walked through. Of all the things I know beyond certainty, I know that God is good, faithful, unchanging, and that His love is far greater, more encompassing, and tender than I can even imagine. As I loved and believed Him, shutting out all other voices, I was drawn with love so deep I cannot put it into words. May you be inspired to see His love in everything, everywhere, and to believe His truth.

I’m grateful that you are here on my corner of the internet, and I pray you will be encouraged and inspired by my online presence in your life.


Mrs. P