Welcome to Life with Mrs. P!


I enjoy blogging my recipes, travels, continuing love story, stories of God’s goodness, style, home decor and other adventures. May you be encouraged and inspired to live beautifully and travel often.

xoxo, Mrs. P

8 Indulgent Dates We Love

8 Indulgent Dates We Love

Whether you’re celebrating a promotion, holiday, or just in the mood for something extravagant, these date ideas are sure to please!

  1. Reserve a Honeymoon suite for a date night

    • Romantic, sweet, relaxing and indulgent - one of my favorites!

  2. Get Couples Massages

    • Our first year, we made a commitment to one couples massage per month, one which we did for therapy as well as romantic reasons.

  3. Take a Weekend Away

    • Whether near or far, new scenery is a great way to connect with your loved one.

  4. Dine in a Fine Restaurant

    • Whether you opt for Surf’n’Turf or sushi, this is sure to please.

  5. Buy a new outfit or get an older one tailored for Date Night

    • This is a sweet and indulgent way to show your partner you value them by valuing your appearance.

  6. Vacation Together

    • This may seem obvious, but vacationing in a way that you both prioritize is important. Opt for room service and spend the time connecting if you’re usually too busy for it. Opt for more adventurous tours if you usually don’t get to be adventurous together.

  7. Buy meaningful gifts to give to one another on a Staycation

    • Perhaps your spouse has been eyeing new cuff links or a gemstone ring - purchase the item and then present it meaningfully.

I hope you enjoy these ideas - and the time with your spouse!



Prepared for Success: A Marital Tip

Prepared for Success: A Marital Tip