Welcome to Life with Mrs. P!


I enjoy blogging my recipes, travels, continuing love story, stories of God’s goodness, style, home decor and other adventures. May you be encouraged and inspired to live beautifully and travel often.

xoxo, Mrs. P

Spicy Salmon Salad

Spicy Salmon Salad


Spicy foods are a recent favorite of mine, and I can be found adding sriracha to everything possible in the kitchen these days. By adding a bit of hot sauce to your favorite sauces, salads, dressings, soups, and more, you can get a custom amount of spice that’s perfect for your tastebuds delight!

As with all cooking, very little is measured, so feel free to have fun with the proportions!


1 Can Salmon

2 TBSP Mayonaise

1 TBSP Sriracha Sauce (I found mine in the asian aisle of the local grocery store)

1 Green Onion, sliced diagonally

Pink Himalayan Salt to taste

Mixed Colored Pepper to taste

1-2 TBSP Lemon Juice (this REALLY cuts out that overwhelmingly “fishy” flavor)

Mix all ingredients together until combined.

I like to take 3-5 of my longest diagonal cut green onion + bundle it together like a little straw pack. It just gives the meal that extra touch of love + effort.


I’ll use this recipe on bread, rice (think Hawaiian Poke!), on rice crackers, or enjoyed with grapes (I know that sounds weird, but try it).

Happy eating!

xx, Mrs P

Artisan Pumpkin Loaf

Artisan Pumpkin Loaf

Flourless Cookies

Flourless Cookies