Welcome to Life with Mrs. P!


I enjoy blogging my recipes, travels, continuing love story, stories of God’s goodness, style, home decor and other adventures. May you be encouraged and inspired to live beautifully and travel often.

xoxo, Mrs. P

Flourless Cookies

Flourless Cookies

These little cookies may not look like much, but they pack a healthy punch with a sweet taste.

Cooking and baking is more an art form for me than a set of rules, thanks to Charles Michel on Patreon (you can find him on Instagram too, at @Charlesxmichel). So these cookies are more about going with the flow than following an exacting recipe. Mix it up, edit the ingredients to your tastes, and have fun!

Cookies .JPG

Recipe (ish):

3 Mashed Bananas

3/4 cup Oats

1 TBSP Organic Peanut Butter

3 TBSP dried cranberries

2 TBSP chocolate chips (alternatively, you can break up or grate your favorite chocolate bar into the mix)

3 TBSP Maple Syrup

Combine all ingredients + place rounded balls onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for 12 minutes at 350, allow to cool, and enjoy!

Best paired with a cup of coffee or cocoa.


Mrs P

Spicy Salmon Salad

Spicy Salmon Salad

Cooking with Essential Oils