Welcome to Life with Mrs. P!


I enjoy blogging my recipes, travels, continuing love story, stories of God’s goodness, style, home decor and other adventures. May you be encouraged and inspired to live beautifully and travel often.

xoxo, Mrs. P

Paris, France in the Fall


Paris in the fall holds a special kind of magic - leaves turning shades of yellows, browns, reds, and purples, tourists dissipating, late sunrises and early sunsets - it’s almost too much for a mortal to take in.

The crisp air and warm afternoons lent themselves to perfect hours of exploration of the city.

I’m convinced Paris is the city to see when leisure is master - with no appointments or schedule to keep track of. Rather, with hours upon hours to roam as free as a bird.

The Lourve is a lovely stop on a crisp Autumnal day, with masterful works as far as the eye can see, and a cute cafe for a lunch and coffee break when needed.

Notre Dame’s gargoyles are best viewed from the top of a double-decker bus, and are stunningly crafted - and somewhat frightening up close.

The Seine flows peacefully and calmly through the city, and it feels like an old friend as it moves silently. At night, the city lights are refectled on her surface, adding to the ambiance of Paris at night.

The Eiffel Tower is a wonder after dark, as stroke lights cause the tower to “sparkle” every hour on the hour. My husband and I sat on the grass in the park, gazing up at the tower for what felt like an eternity and only a second, all at once. We sat there for an hour, in reality. Grab some ice cream or gelato to snack on if it’s warm, or a baguette and some butter if it’s chilly out.

Paris in Autumn is worth the investment. 💛

Tip: AirFrance consistently has the most affordable fares from New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Seattle to Paris.

Xoxo, Mrs P.

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